三分钟内要部⻓⾄少三次起身打断议员发⾔和表达不满,⽽且提出的两道“补问”也没有起到任何实际上的增补作⽤,不禁让⼈疑惑,梁⽂辉是确实有实质的提问要提出,还是只想借题发挥、刷曝光时间 国⺠服役在本地并不是什么受争议的课题。从数据上看,96%的⺠众肯定了国⺠服役在国防和国家安全上的关键作⽤。
ST Forum: Why draw line between ‘new’ and ‘original’ Singaporeans?
I find Progress Singapore Party Non-Constituency MP Leong Mun Wai’s need to categorise Singaporeans into “original citizens” and “new citizens” regretful (Leong Mun Wai urged to not draw divisions among S’poreans, March 5). This differentiation between “original citizens” and “new citizens” is not helpful in building a cohesive society in our land-scarce and resource-scarce country. […]
ST Forum: MPs should understand what they are speaking about in Parliament
Mr Viswa Sadasivan said the way Non-Constituency MP Leong Mun Wai was questioned in Parliament may send the wrong message to the young (Thrust of parliamentary debates can send message to young, Sept 18). Mr Viswa might wish to consider what message Mr Leong himself was sending – to young and old. First, Mr Leong […]
Highly educated elites pretending to fight for the people
The Progress Singapore Party are led by highly intelligent, highly educated people. Dr Tan Cheng Bock is a medical doctor and former PAP MP. Leong Mun Wai was a RI boy, and an overseas scholar to one of the top universities in Japan. He was also former Managing Director of OCBC securities. Hazel Poa was […]
ST Forum: Letter on thrust of parliamentary debates sends mixed signals
The letter, “Thrust of parliamentary debates can send message to young” (Sept 18), sends mixed signals. While Mr Viswa Sadasivan claims to be against the racial connotations in the discourse on the India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA), he rejects efforts to put a stop to them. The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) had gone about […]
ST Forum: Thrust of parliamentary debates can send message to young
I am disturbed by the thrust of the most recent debate in Parliament on foreign talent and free trade agreements (FTAs). I am referring to the debate sparked by Non-Constituency MP Leong Mun Wai’s speech, in which he expressed concern about some FTAs such as the India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Ceca). He said the […]
What upsets me more than the nonsense Leong Mun Wai, the Progress Singapore Party, and their supporters spout is this: that the employers and business owners are keeping largely silent. The Government are not the major employers of foreigners. Businesses are. If businesses don’t defend themselves, and keep making the Government and PAP the fall […]
Mr Leong persists in linking job anxieties with FTAs and CECA.
I read that Mr Leong Mun Wai has filed a Motion calling on the Government to address the anxieties on jobs and livelihoods caused by competition from foreign workers. The Government has been receiving a lot of feedback on these issues. We understand these anxieties, and are continually working to address them. Hence, this past […]